Encapsulating a DSC Sample with the Tzero Press


Tzero Sample PressThe following topics describe the procedures for sealing samples using the Tzero DSC sample press shown in the figure to the right.

WARNING:  Do not carry the Tzero press by the handle!

Select from the following topics for more information:

Using the Tzero Press

The following basic instructions can be applied to any set of dies using with the Tzero press. For more details on preparing specific types of sample pans, see the following topics.

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Follow these basic instructions to use the Tzero sample press:

  1. Select the desired sample pan and matching lid and obtain the matching die set. The die sets have colored rings and the pan/lid boxes have matching colored labels.

NOTE: Always handle the pans and lids carefully with tweezers. Ensure that any and all surfaces that the pans are placed on are clean and free of any possible contaminants.

  1. Weigh the empty pan and lid.

NOTE: Only the Q2000 and Q1000 use the weight of the pan and lid (in Advanced Tzero mode) to improve the resolution and sensitivity of your heat flow measurement. If you carefully measure and enter the empty sample and reference pan weights into the software, the effect of the difference between the sample and reference pan weights will be compensated for and will improve your heat flow measurement. It is highly recommended that you take the extra time to do so. Users of the other Q Series and earlier DSC instruments do not need to perform this step.  

  1. Prepare the sample and place it in the pan. If you are using a powder or granular sample, spread it evenly in the pan.

  2. Weigh the filled sample pan and lid and determine the sample weight. It is important to control the amount of sample you are using. Refer to additional material in the training courses for optimal sample size considerations.

  3. Place the filled sample pan in the lower die and position the matching lid in place.

  4. Move the press handle back and place the matching upper die into the press. The upper die slides in easily and a magnet will hold it in place.

CAUTION:  Make sure that you hold the handle firmly throughout the entire crimping procedure!

  1. Place the lower die with the prepared sample pan into the press. Rotate the die slightly from side to side to ensure that it seats properly.

  2. Pull the handle forward until it stops to seal the lid to the pan.

    Tzero Press with Handle Forward   Encapsulating a Pan

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  1. Move the handle back again and remove the lower die and pan.

Tzero Press - Handle Back

  1. Use the pan removal tool on the front of the press as shown in the figure below to remove the Tzero and Standard Aluminum Hermetic sample pans from the lower dies. The sample is ready to be tested on the instrument. See Loading/Unloading a Sample for more information.

Tzero Pan Removal Tool

  1. Prepare an empty pan and lid for use as the reference pan. It is important that the same care be taken in preparing the reference pan as in preparing the sample pan.

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Preparing Tzero Aluminum Pans and Low-Mass Aluminum Pans

Tzero Black Die Set for Tzero Aluminum PansThe Tzero aluminum pans require the use of the black die set shown in the figure to the right.

There is one lower black die and two upper black dies. Only one of these two upper dies is used for a given sample.


To prepare a sample in a Tzero aluminum pan, consider the comments above and follow the instructions here Using the Tzero Press.


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Preparing Tzero Aluminum Hermetic Pans

Tzero Blue Die Set for Tzero Aluminum Hermetic PansThe Tzero aluminum hermetic pans require the use of the blue die set shown in the figure to the right.

There is one lower blue die and one upper blue die.

To prepare a sample in a Tzero aluminum hermetic or Tzero aluminum hermetic alodined pan, consider the comments above and follow the instructions here Using the Tzero Press.

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Preparing Standard Aluminum Pans

Tzero Green Die Set for use with Standard Aluminum PansThe standard aluminum pans require the use of the green die set shown in the figure to the right. Only one of these two upper dies is used for a given sample.


There is one lower green die and two upper green dies.

To prepare a sample in a Standard aluminum pan, consider the comments above and follow the instructions here Using the Tzero Press.


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