Calibrating Using the Platinum™ Functions

DSC Q2000, Q200, and Q20 Only


The DSC Q2000/Q200/Q20 are equipped with verification/calibration features accessed through the Platinum functions. These features provide the following:

Setting Up A Platinum Calibration Sequence

Platinum functions are designed for automatic conditioning and calibration of your DSC instrument.  If your DSC is equipped with an Autosampler, the calibration sequence can be set up to automatically execute and analyze the resulting data on demand or at a specified day and time.

Before you begin calibrating, follow these steps:

  1. If you plan to run the Cell/Cooler Conditioning template, turn off the cooling accessory, if it is on.

  2. Remove any samples from the cell and cover the cell.

  3. Open the instrument control program for a DSC instrument. See Using the TA Instrument Explorer for instructions.

  4. Verify that the correct cooler is specified on the Tools/Instrument Preferences/Cooler page.

  5. Verify that the Heat Flow selection is specified on the Tools/Instrument Preferences/DSC page.

  6. Check that your purge gas is connected and set to the desired flow rate. If you are using an RCS or LNCS, be sure a Base purge gas is also used.

  7. If you plan to run the cell constant/temperature calibration &/or verification, then prepare approximately 1-5 mg of indium in a sample pan. Crimp the pan. Prepare a reference pan using the same pan type used for the sample. Crimp the pan.  If your instrument is equipped with an Autosampler, position the pans in the desired platform positions.

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Creating a New Calibration Run Sequence:

  1. Select the Platinum button, , at the bottom left-hand side of the main instrument control window.

  2. Click AutoCalibration from the Automatic Tasks list on the left side of the window. Two options will be displayed. Choose the Create New Sequence option.

  3. Select (check) the desired procedures from the list of Tasks to implement.  This list will vary based on DSC model as well as selected cooler and heat flow selection.  A description of the available items is listed below.

NOTE:  Tzero calibration is only used with the DSC Q2000/Q1000 and Q200/Q100 for Heat Flow T4 and T4P.

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  1. Enter the requested method and sample parameters for each type of calibration requested. Click on the links below to display the recommendations for the parameters:

  2. Select Apply to save the test setup and generate the calibration run sequence. The run sequence will be displayed in the Calibration Sequence.  

  3. Edit the following Post Run Actions, if desired. The following default settings are associated with each calibration.

If you wish to edit these Post Run Actions, click on the Post Run Action of the desired run # as displayed in the calibration run sequence list. Edit the option as desired.

If you wish to start a standard run sequence, after the calibration sequence has been successfully completed, select:  IF {calibration routine} successful, GO TO NEXT SEQUENCE for the last run in the calibration sequence.

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NOTE:  The current operator, extended comment and file naming scheme, specified within the calibration sequence, is used in the creation of this sequence. If you wish to edit any of these parameters, click on the run # and edit the associated parameter.

  1. Place the samples in the sample pan and reference positions that were chosen above.

  2. Select the Messaging page to specify the notification options desired.

  3. Select Start to execute the sequence immediately or select the Schedule page to specify the time, day, and frequency of the calibration process.

  4. Save this calibration sequence for future use, if desired. (Click on the Calibration button on the left-hand side. Click on the Save button, , at the top of the sequence pane.

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