To edit the Real Time Plot signals, select Tools/Real time Plot Signals from the main menu or position your cursor in the RealTime Plot pane, right click the mouse and select Signals from the pop-up menu. The window displayed allows you to choose which signals to plot, the line type (for Y1 and Y2 axes) and grid type, and the color and scaling desired for each signal selected.
Select from the following topics for more information:
Signal Name: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of the signals available for plotting on the X axis. (The X-axis signal may be changed between time and temperature without losing the previous real-time data while an experiment is in progress.)
Grid Type: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of available Grid Types for plotting. The grid lines correspond to the major tick marks. The types of grid lines available for plotting the X axis include:
Solid: Select this option to create a solid line grid.
Dotted: Select this option to create a dotted line grid.
Grayed: Select this option to create a gray-out style.
Color: Click on the Color button to select the color to be used for the X axis. This option will display a Color palette window that allows you to select the color to be used for the X axis labels.
Click on
the Scaling button to select the scaling to be used for the X axis. This
option allows you to automatically select axis limits using the data as
collected or to manually enter the desired axis limits. Select the Auto
or Manual axis limit function for the Lower and Upper data limits. Remember
you can have one Auto and one Manual axis limit, and if you select Manual,
you must also enter a value into the entry field below the selection.
When you have finished your axis selections, click the OK button. Click
here for more information on scaling limits more .
NOTE: When a different axis signal is selected, the axis limits are always reset to Auto.
Signal Name: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of the signals available for plotting on the Y1 axis. If the Y1-axis signal is changed while an experiment is in progress and real-time data is plotting, all previously-displayed data is lost and the plot is restarted using the newly-selected signal.
Line Type: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of available line types for plotting. The types of lines available include:
Area: Select this option to create a plot that has the area under the curve filled in with shading. The color used for the area option is defined by the curve color.
Line: Select the Line option to create a plot that is a single line curve. The color used for the line is defined by the curve color.
X-Y Line: Select this option to create a plot that has an X placed at the points on the intersection of the X-Y axis. The color used for the points are defined by the curve color.
X-Y Points: Select this option to display the data as points only, with minimal data compression applied. The color used for the points are defined by the curve color. NOTE: The X-Y points option should be selected when plotting multiplex data (i.e., DMA and DEA data).
Grid Type: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of available Grid Types for plotting. The grid lines correspond to the major tick marks. The types of grid lines available for plotting the Y1 axis include:
Solid: Select this option to create a solid line grid.
Dotted: Select this option to create a dotted line grid.
Grayed: Select this option to create a gray-out style.
Color: Click on the Color button to select the color to be used for the Y1 axis. This option will display a Color palette window that allows you to select the color to be used for the Y1 axis labels.
Click on
the Scaling button to select the scaling to be used for the Y1 axis. This
option allows you to automatically select axis limits using the data as
collected or to manually enter the desired axis limits. Select the Auto
or Manual axis limit function for the Lower and Upper data limits. Remember
you can have one Auto and one Manual axis limit, and if you select Manual,
you must also enter a value into the entry field below the selection.
When you have finished your axis selections, click the OK button. Click
here for more information on scaling limits more .
NOTE: When a different axis signal is selected, the axis limits are always reset to Auto.
Base 10 Log: Check the Base 10 Log box if you want the axis to be plotted as a base ten logarithm.
Signal Name: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of the signals available for plotting on the Y1 axis. If the Y2-axis signal is changed while an experiment is in progress and real-time data is plotting, all previously-displayed data is lost and the plot is restarted using the newly-selected signal.
Line Type: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of available line types for plotting. The types of lines available include:
Area: Select this option to create a plot that has the area under the curve filled in with shading. The color used for the area option is defined by the curve color.
Line: Select the Line option to create a plot that is a single line curve. The color used for the line is defined by the curve color.
X-Y Line: Select this option to create a plot that has an X placed at the points on the intersection of the X-Y axis. The color used for the points are defined by the curve color.
X-Y Points: Select this option to display the data as points only, with minimal data compression applied. The color used for the points are defined by the curve color. NOTE: The X-Y points option should be selected when plotting multiplex data (i.e., DMA and DEA data).
Grid Type: Click on the arrow to display the drop-down list of available Grid Types for plotting. The grid lines correspond to the major tick marks. The types of grid lines available for plotting the Y2 axis include:
Solid: Select this option to create a solid line grid.
Dotted: Select this option to create a dotted line grid.
Grayed: Select this option to create a gray-out style.
Color: Click on the Color button to select the color to be used for the Y2 axis. This option will display a Color palette window that allows you to select the color to be used for the Y2-axis labels.
Click on
the Scaling button to select the scaling to be used for the Y2 axis. This
option allows you to automatically select axis limits using the data as
collected or to manually enter the desired axis limits. Select the Auto
or Manual axis limit function for the Lower and Upper data limits. Remember
you can have one Auto and one Manual axis limit, and if you select Manual,
you must also enter a value into the entry field below the selection.
When you have finished your axis selections, click the OK button. Click
here for more information on scaling limits more .
NOTE: When a different axis signal is selected, the axis limits are always reset to Auto.
Base 10 Log: Check the Base 10 Log box if you want the axis to be plotted as a base ten logarithm.