Sample information for each run is entered on both the Summary Page and Notes Page. The Procedure Page is used to set up the experimental test conditions.
When you select View/Experiment View from the menu, the middle pane displays the Summary Page. The Summary page is used to enter the basic information needed to create a run. The summary information that is currently displayed is applicable to the run number that is highlighted on the Sequence Pane. The run that has the arrow pointing to it is the scheduled run. (i.e., The run that will be executed when Start is selected.) This information should be updated with the correct information prior to starting each experiment.
To use the Summary page, follow these directions:
Verify that the Mode displayed is the one you want the instrument to use. If the mode is not correct, select the mode you want to use from the drop-down list.
Standard: Used to generate the standard (non-modulated or calibration) data.
Calibration: Used to generate the calibration data (except for heat capacity calibration).
Modulated: Used to generate Modulated DSC® (MDSC) data.
Select the
signals that you want the software to store in the data file by clicking
the button. This displays the
Select Signals to Store window. Check the desired signals.
Select the type of Test you want to use from the drop-down test list available. The list contains both preprogrammed tests (test templates) and a custom test. To open a saved procedure file, select "Custom" from the drop-down list, then click the Open File button, . This file will be added to the test list once you have selected it. You can view a summary of the chosen procedure by selecting the Summary button, . To change any of the summary information, except for the mode, select the Procedure Page. See also: Available DSC Test Templates and Creating Custom Methods.
Enter the Sample Name. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters to identify the material.
Select the sample Pan type, which includes the material and/or type of the pan that will be used in the experiment. Click on the down arrow to display a list of pan types, then select the desired pan type. See also: Selecting a Sample Pan
Enter the Sample Size.
For DSC Q2000/Q1000 models only: Check Pan Mass, then enter the weights of the sample and reference pans to use the weights for Extended Tzero calculations. Pan correction is factored into the calculations. Leave the checkbox blank it will be assumed that the pan weights are equal.
For Autosamplers only: Select the Pan number and Reference number from the list. Use this field to specify the number of the Autosampler pan that will be used in the experiment. Click on the down arrow to scroll through the numbers.
Enter any Comments. Enter additional text to help describe the experiment, for example, sample treatment or experimental conditions could be included. Up to 64 characters may be entered.
Integrity Users Only: View the SUID#. Instead of defining the data storage path, the database will automatically assign a SUID# to the original, raw data record.
Enter a Data File Name by clicking
on the button, then select the desired storage location
and enter in a filename. Click OK when finished. Typical example \\{Computer
name}\Program Files\TA\Data\DSC\Data.001. (UNC
filenames are used.)
Check the
Network Drive
checkbox if you want to send your instrument data to another location
on your system (e.g., network
drive). Click the button to the right, then select the
desired archive location. Click Select
when finished. The data will be transferred at the end
of the experiment.
When you have finished setting up this run summary, you should verify the information contained on the Procedure Page and the Notes Page.
Click the Apply button to save these changes or click the Append button to save these changes and add another run to the end of the sequence.