Three languages are currently available for the TA Instruments Q Series
related programs and instruments:
German (Deutsch), Japanese (), and Chinese (
). Follow the instructions provided in the topics linked below
to change to the desired language.
See: Changing the TA Instrument Explorer Language
The instrument control software will be displayed in the loaded instrument language automatically upon starting the software. To select a new language, follow the instructions described below. This operation must be repeated independently for each instrument.
Double click on the instrument within the TA Instrument Explorer window to open the instrument control window.
Select Tools/Instrument Setup from the main menu to start the Instrument Setup Wizard.
Click the Next button until the Set Instrument Date, Time and Language window is displayed. The current date and time of both the PC and the instrument are now displayed along with the current language displayed by the instrument.
Select the desired instrument language from the drop-down Select Language list then click the Set button. A message will be displayed after the language has been successfully changed. Select OK. The instrument control software will automatically close. Complete this operation by shutting down the instrument (advance to step 13).
If the language you want is not displayed (English, German, Japanese, and Chinese are the available languages), you need to download the language file as described in the following steps.
Select Next to advance to the Transfer Program Files window.
Select the desired language to load from the Load language list displayed. (English is always present. One other language may be chosen for downloading.) Once the language file has been downloaded, you can switch between the two loaded languages as described in step 4 above.
Verify the module software path by clicking the Browse button to the right of the Update Module Software field. Select the appropriate directory where the instrument software files are located. The default directory is Program Files\TA Instruments\Thermal Advantage\Qseries\InstrumentSW\[instrument].
Select the instrument .abs file to load (e.g., dsc.abs, tga.abs). Then click Select.
Click the Send Programs button. Downloading of the fonts, software and language files will now begin and the status can be viewed via a progress bar.
When the download has successfully finished, a window is posted indicating the software download was successfully completed, click OK.
NOTE: If you receive an error that the download failed, you must click the Send Programs button again before you reset the instrument and proceed to the next step.
Select the Cancel button to exit the wizard or, after the instrument has rebooted, select Next to advance to the Instrument Settings window, then select Finish. The instrument window will close automatically, if opened.
Use the Q Series Explorer to reopen the instrument window.
Select Control/Shutdown from the menu. Click the Shutdown button to begin the shutdown process. (Alternatively, you can perform an instrument shutdown from the instrument’s touch screen – Display options, if available.)
If you are not running the software on a localized language version of the Windows operating system (e.g., you are running an English version of the operating system and want to switch to the Japanese language for the Advantage software), you will need to configure your computer’s regional settings properly to complete this operation.
Follow the steps below that apply to your operating system:
NOTE: Your Windows 2000 software CD may be needed for this operation if the language files have not been installed on your system. You will be prompted for the CD, if needed.
Open My Computer/Control Panel.
Double click on Regional Options.
On the General page, select the desired language from the listing for Your locale (location). Then check the same language from the Language settings for the system list at the bottom of the page.
Click the Set Default button and select the same language from the list. Select OK.
On the Input Locales page, select Add within the Installed input locales section. Select the language from the Input locale drop-down listing, then select OK.
Select Apply to save these Regional Options settings then close the window.
Reboot the computer.
NOTE: Your Windows XP software CD may be needed for this operation if the language files have not been installed on your system. You will be prompted for the CD, if needed.
Open My Computer/Control Panel.
Select Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options.
Select Regional and Language Settings.
Select the Regional Options page, select desired language from drop-down list in Standards and Formats.
Select the Languages page, click the Details button and select desired default input language. Click the Add button to add desired keyboard support language in the Installed Services list.
Select the Languages page again, select desired language in Languages used in Menus and Dialogs drop-down list.
Select the Advanced page then select desired language for non-Unicode programs from drop-down list.
Reboot the computer.
For language selection in the related Advantage Integrity programs see the respective help files.